The Crowning Glory

The Morning Shot-A Chance Shot

A chance shot is always a lucky one and it can be a good one.This is one of them.

This photo series was taken on one of the mornings when i was about to take my morning cup of tea.My wife called me in the morning saying that a butterfly is there in the money plant in the balcony.My kit was not there ready for me to take the snap .Still i went to the bedroom and took out my kit and came out.Then i started following its movements.And this was what i got in the next five minutes.

The beautiful butterfly
 This was the first shot with its feathers in folded mode.

 Then it started to open up its wings,and this is what i got.

Starting to spread it's wings
And then came this marvellous pose saying to me 'See how beautiful i am .
Take this and show to the world how beautiful i am'.

The Crowning Glory Moment
The luck part in this episode was it was a chill morning and this butterfly was not moving fast as a butterfly does.It was giving me all the time in the world to capture its magnificient wings from inside and outside.
It sat  there for some 2 minutes and flied to the wall next to the railing.Now it closed the wings saying you have seen me enaough and taken a lot of me.

Sitting on the Paraphet wall
Then again it flied from there and sat on the plant as if asking me 'Can you take  a snap from this side ?'

Just Posing for Me
This time it gave a violet colour to its wings which was mesmerising to see.
Lastly it went on the other side of the railing giving me this excellent pose.

Sitting on the other side of the leaf

All-in-all this was a wonderful experience which i want to share with all of you.

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